Research Intern
Innocent is a PhD student in the ICTD Lab at the University of Washington under the guidance of Kurtis Hiemerl. His research interests are both architectural and algebraic: he mixes traditional network and systems research and formal methods. First, in order to improve the interconnectivity and content delivery landscape in Africa his work proposes novel designs aimed at improving path quality, locality, and affordability. Second, using category theory and programming language techniques, his work explores the design of push-button approaches to verifiable security that can aid experts and non-experts alike in reasoning about the compositional security of their APIs.
At Cloudflare, his work is focused on the design of experiments to understand how internal traffic engineering decisions and interdomain routing in the public internet impact the performance of our global anycast network. He holds a Master’s in Information Science from the University of Michigan School of Information (2019) and a Bachelor's (2016) Degree in International Political Economy from Georgetown University’s Walsh School of Foreign Service.
Research Areas
Networking, API Security, Formal Methods, Peering, Interdomain Routing