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PreSight: A Vision for an Instantaneous Web

Isaac Khor, Suleman Ahmad, Avani Wildani
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Practical Adoption Challenges of ML for Systems, November 4–6, 2024, Austin, TX, USA
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We present the position that the time for general, scalable, privacy-preserving web cache speculation is at hand. At its core, web speculation is about predicting what resources users will want. Machine learning (ML) seems like a natural fit for this predictive task. We show, however, that ML is not fundamentally necessary to achieve a ∼10% performance improvement worldwide across a diverse set of sites. We also present a set of constraints that large-scale CDNs are subject to, how these constraints limit the possibilities of using ML, what we did instead to achieve our performance results, and a discussion on the place of ML in large, Internet-scale, systems.